by admin | Mar 2, 2016 | bookbinding, Exhibitions, Vermont
“The Exquisite Corpse: B.A.G. Collaborative Book” by Rebecca Boardman
“The Exquisite Corpse: B.A.G. Collaborative Book” by Rebecca Boardman
“The Exquisite Corpse: B.A.G. Collaborative Book” by Rebecca Boardman
“The Exquisite Corpse: B.A.G. collaborative book” by Rebecca Boardman
“The Holy Terror” by Lyna Lou Nordstrom
“26 Reasons: why my garden will not be featured in Martha Stewart Living” by Jane Ploughman
“Found Shadows” by Rebecca Boardman
“Found Shadows” by Rebecca Boardman
“And the Day Came” by Penne Tompkins
“New Views from the Memory Motel” by Nina Gaby
“Magnolia Book” by Marilyn Gillis
“Stone Stories” by Bonnie Hooper
“The Echo in My Soul” by Ann Joppe-Mercure
“Wild Gardens” by Bonnie Hooper
“Flora” by Rebecca Boardman
“Star Book” by Maryann Riker
“Le Creuset” by Marcia Vogler
“A Winter Garden” by Jane Ploughman
“Things the Birds Gave Me” by Jordan Vogler
Islamic Binding model by Elissa Campbell
“Family Heirloom” by Marcia Vogler
“QSL Book” by Marilyn Gillis
“Life in Color” by Ann Joppe-Mercure
“Life in Color” by Ann Joppe-Mercure
“Life in Color” by Ann Joppe-Mercure
“Homage to Mondrian” by Vera Ryersbach
“Stories My Grandson Told Me” by Sally Blanchard-O’Brien
“Milkweed” by Valerie Carrigan
“Gridlock Trilogy” by Marcia Vogler
“Advice” by Jordan Vogler
“Fabruary” by Elissa Campbell
“Body: A Portrait in Process” by Josh Turk
“A Winter Garden” by Jane Ploughman
“From the Inside Out” by Amy Burns
“Book Mobile” by Marcia Vogler
Girdle Book model by Elissa Campbell
“Chords of Time” by Nancy Stone
“Chords of Time” by Nancy Stone
“Peacock Book” by Marilyn Gillis
“Expanding Borders” by Dorsey Hogg
“Expanding Borders” by Dorsey Hogg